Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering期刊公布2024年科研新星奖获奖名单

20 12月 2024 gabriels
我们很高兴地代表Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering(NCE)期刊主编Giacomo Indiveri和编委会宣布,Michele Di Lauro获得“2024年NCE期刊科研新星奖”(2024 Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering Rising Stars Award),以表彰他在有机神经形态电子器件方面的杰出工作。



Michele Di Lauro

  • Michele Di Lauro is a Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology in Ferrara, Italy, in the “Organic Neuroelectronics” research line of the “Center for Translational Neurophysiology of Speech and Communication”. He is specialized in the fabrication, characterization and operation of organic electronic devices at the interface with biology. Currently, he designs implantable organic devices for the electrophysiological monitoring of the central nervous system and he investigates fundamental aspects of organic semiconductors at the biotic/abiotic interface, with a focus on logical and transient phenomena. Some of his organic neuroelectronic devices are undergoing clinical trials for the improvement of lesion border discrimination during surgical resection of brain tumours in eloquent areas. To date, he authored more than 40 publications in international scientific journals, with >900 citations and h-index=17.
  • An organic artificial soma for spatio-temporal pattern recognition via dendritic integration
  • Michele Di Lauro et al 2024 Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 4 024001


Matěj Hejda

  • Matěj Hejda is currently working as an Architecture & System Design Research Scientist within the Belgium-based team of the Large-Scale Integrated Photonics (LSIP) group of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Previously, he has received his MSc. in Nanotechnology from TU Liberec (Czechia) while undertaking his Master project at ICFO (Spain); and in 2023, he has obtained his Ph.D. from Antonio Hurtado’s group at the Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde (UK) working on spiking lasers and optoelectronic systems as functional primitives towards light-enabled neuromorphics. His main focus is on optical computing and neuromorphic photonics. He investigates integrated photonic circuits for AI acceleration, functional and system-level evaluations of such photonic accelerators, use-case driven hardware-software co-design for optical computing, and spike-based photonic/optoelectronic computing. His other interests also include neuroAI and photonic-electronic co-integration.
  • Optical spike amplitude weighting and neuromimetic rate coding using a joint VCSEL-MRR neuromorphic photonic system
  • Matěj Hejda et al 2024 Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 4 024011


Peng Lin

  • Dr. Peng Lin is a tenure-track professor in the College of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University. He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2017 and was a Postdoc Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 2017 to 2020. His current research focuses on neuromorphic computing devices and integrated systems. To date, Dr. Lin has published over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, such as Nature Electronics, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications etc.
  • Neuromorphic auditory classification based on a single dynamical electrochemical memristor
  • Peng Chen et al 2024 Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 4 014012


Wataru Namiki

  • Wataru Namiki received his Ph.D. degree from Tokyo University of Science in 2021. He is currently working as Postdoc researcher in the Neuromorphic Devices Group of the World Premier International (WPI) Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), the National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS). His current research focuses on fast and high-performance neuromorphic computing devices based on physical reservoir computing using spintronic and ionic phenomena. He engages such research with his professional technique for materials science.
  • Fast physical reservoir computing, achieved with nonlinear interfered spin waves
  • Wataru Namiki et al 2024 Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 4 024015


Joshua Robertson

  • Joshua Robertson is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher within the Institute of Photonics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. He completed his PhD at the University of Strathclyde in 2022, where he studied the use of non-linear laser dynamics forneuromorphic computing. His main research activities include the investigation of potential photonic platforms for neuron-like computing and artificial intelligence, with focus on experimental implementations of excitable spike sources and reservoir computers.
  • VCSEL-based photonic spiking neural networks for ultrafast detection and tracking
  • Joshua Robertson et al 2024 Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 4 014010


Francesca Santoro

  • Francesca Santoro received her Bachelor’s (2008) and Master’s (2010) degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy) with specialization in biomaterials. Her PhD (2014) in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology came from a joint partnership between RWTH Aachen and the Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). She served as a postdoctoral researcher (2014-2017) at Stanford University (USA), and has been Principal Investigator at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia since 2017, where she was founder of the ‘Tissue Electronics’ lab. She has been appointed Professor and head of Neuroelectronic Interfaces Lab since 2022 at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszenttrum Juelich (IBI-3 Bioelectronics). She has received numerous awards, including MIT Technology Review Under 35 Innovator ITALIA and EUROPE (2018), Inspiring Fifty Italy and Europe, Unstoppable Women Italy (2021) and winner of the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year in Engineering and Technology (2021-2024). She was selected as a Distinguished Invited Speaker to the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting in 2023, and as a speaker at the World Laurate Forum for Young Scientist in 2023 and 2024. Francesca’s research has been selected for particular attention in Journal of Materials Chemistry (2018), Advanced Materials (2020), Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering (2024), and in Materials Horizons (2024).
  • Tissue-like interfacing of planar electrochemical organic neuromorphic devices
  • Daniela Rana et al 2024 Neuromorph. Comput. Eng. 034010


Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering

  • 2023年影响因子:5.8  Citescore: 5.9
  • Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering(NCE)是一本涵盖多个学科领域、采用开放获取(OA)形式出版的期刊。NCE期刊将神经形态系统的硬件和计算方面结合在一起,读者群覆盖工程、材料科学、物理、化学、生物学、神经科学和计算机科学等领域,跨越学术界和产业界的各个群体。在NCE期刊上发表的研究需针对神经形态系统和人工神经网络领域做出及时而重要的贡献。