ERL特刊征稿|Focus on Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Andreas Oschlies,德国基尔亥姆霍兹海洋研究中心
- Julia Pongratz,德国慕尼黑大学
- Sabine Fuss,德国柏林墨卡托全球公共和气候变化研究所
- Matthias Honegger,德国Perspectives Climate Group公司
- Matthias May,德国蒂宾根大学
- Nadine Mengis, 德国基尔亥姆霍兹海洋研究中心
- Christine Merk,德国基尔世界经济研究所
- Gregor Rehder,德国莱布尼茨波罗的海研究所
- Daniela Thrän,德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心
- Martin Zimmer,德国莱布尼茨热带海洋研究中心
- CDR as pathway to mitigate the increasingly drastic consequences of human-made climate change and to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
- Whether and to what extent CDR methods can play a significant role in the removal and storage of CO2 from the atmosphere, individually and as part of portfolios, and how this potential changes over time (due to climate impacts or due to efforts to scale methods up).
- Considerations on the linkages with and impacts of CDR on the environment, including Earth system feedbacks, economics, society, and governance considerations. We seek contributions both on these individual dimensions and how they impose possible constraints on the feasibility of CDR as well as on the interactions of the dimensions.
- Developing of appropriate approaches for monitoring, attributing, and accounting for carbon storage in a changing environment – the prerequisite for certification and incentivization of CDR.
- Developing and applying assessment frameworks that allow, e.g., political decision-makers to evaluate CDR pathways across all relevant dimensions.
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- 2022年影响因子:6.7 Citescore: 10.1
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